Curriculum Vitae

Scientific Career

1989 -1996 Diploma study (Austrian diploma) of Biotechnology at the University of Agricultural Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna, Austria
1995 -1996 Diploma at the Vienna Biocenter: 'Structures of DNA-polylysine complexes and their influence on gene transfer'
1996 - 1999 Ph.D. work at the Vienna Biocenter: 'Structure and biological properties of DNA-polycation complexes'
1999 - 2000 Postdoctoral research fellow, CRC Institute for Cancer Research in Birmingham/UK
2000 - 2001 Marie Curie Fellow, CRC Institute for Cancer Research in Birmingham/UK
2001 - 2013 Groupleader Vectorology, Department of Pharmacy, Centre of Drug Research, LMU Munich, Germany
2001-2007 Akademischer Rat (since 2004 tenure)
2007-2013 Akademischer Oberrat (tenure)
2009 Habilitation in Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Since 2013

Professor for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Centre of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Vienna



Center for NanoScience (CeNS)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gentherapie (DGGT)

European Society for Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT)

American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT)


Editorial Activities

Since 2006 Editorial board of Recent Patents on Drug Delivery & Formulation
Since 2009 Associate editor of Therapeutic Delivery
Since 2012 Editorial board member of Journal of Pharmaceutics
2014 - 2016 Editorial board member of European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
Since 2015 Associate editor in chief 'Journal of Drug Design, Development and Therapy
Since 2016 Editor of 'European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics

Grants / Funds

2000-2001 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (Category 30) Proposal No. MCFI-2000-00509 'Development of triggered endosomolysis mechanism for improved gene therapy' CRC Institute for Cancer Studies, Birmingham, UK duration: 24 months
2004-2006 Wilhelm-Sander Stiftung (Germany), 'Hochwirksame lokale Chemotherapie nach tumorgerichtetem Gentransfer in vivo'
2004-2007 Impuls- und Vernetzungsfonds der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren, 'Clinical Hyperthermia and Related Technology'
2005-2006 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), 'Non-viral Phosphorus-containing Gene-Transfer Vectors for Systemic Tumor Targeting'
Since 2006 DFG research network SPP1230 (Gene therapy – vector safety)
2007 DFG: Forschungsaufenthalt Prof Kolio Troev (Institute of Polymers, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) DFG
2008-2011 DFG Sachbeihilfe: Optimierung und therapeutische Anwendung tumorselektiver siRNA Formulierungen gegen Komponenten des Wnt-Signalwegs in gastrointerstinalen Tumormodellen
since 2009 DFG Collaborative research center SFB 824 "Imaging for the Selection, Monitoring and Individualisation of Cancer Therapy": Project ‘Tumor specific molecularly targeted therapy using the sodium iodide symporter as reporter and therapy gene’ (together with Prof Christine Spitzweg, Klinikum Großhadern)

Center for NanoScience research collaboration grant ‘Polymer coated Adenovirus for cancer gene therapy – correlating ultrastructure with biological activity’ (together with Prof Christina Scheu, Department of Chemistry, LMU)


Bayerische Forschungsstiftung: PostDoc research fellowship for Dr Joana Viola (PDOC 78-11): ’ Development of a tailored non-viral gene delivery system directed to advanced melanoma.’


BMBF grant 01EU1202


Center for NanoScience research collaboration grant ‘Covalent vs non-covalent dendrimer coating of Adenovirus: Implications on ultrastructure and transgene expression’ (together with Prof Christina Scheu, Department of Chemistry, LMU)


Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) collaborative research project COMPACT (Collaboration on the Optimisation of Macromolecular Pharmaceutical Access to Cellular Targets)

2017-2021 Hochschulraum-Strukturmittel Fond des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF):  NANOBILD (Cluster für Nanomaterialien-basierende multimodale medizinische Bildgebung)
2018-2019 3Dpatho: Einfaches und schnelles Lichtscheiben-Fluoreszenzmikro-skopsystem zur tomographischen Erfassung von biologischen Proben für den klinischen Alltag in der Pathologie
2020-2023 FFG BRIDGE project BGs for PDAC: Bacterial ghosts as immune-stimulating adjuvant to chemotherapy in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
